Międzynarodowa Konferencja Metrologiczna „New Trends in Metrology”
Advancing metrology through EU-funded research: achievements and challenges
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Miruna Wydział Chemii |
This talk aims at providing background information on the long-term collaboration in research of Europe's metrology community. EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, has pioneered cooperation in metrology research in recent years through major European Metrology Research Programs worth over 1 billion euros jointly funded by national governments and the European Union. The redefinition of the International System of Units (SI) has been a focus of EU-funded metrology research. The 3 successive programs (EMRP, EMPiR and ongoing EMP) have supported numerous projects aimed at developing and refining measurement standards based on fundamental constants of nature. Key areas of research include the realization of the kilogram using the Kibble balance, advancements in quantum electrical standards for the ampere, and innovative methods for temperature measurement to redefine the kelvin. Additionally, projects have explored optical clock technologies to enhance the precision of timekeeping. This collaborative research, involving national metrology institutes, academia, and industry, has not only facilitated the successful redefinition of the SI units but also ensured their practical implementation and traceability. Nevertheless, metrology is an everlasting key enabling science and new challenges from emerging research areas have set new metrology research goals such as directly deliver the SI at the point of use, by utilizing quantum and digital technologies or provide primary realizations of the units within an industrial facility. For next decade, EURAMET has identified four key areas that will generate needs for a comprehensive, strategic, and coordinated metrology agenda for Europe - green deal, competitive and resilient industry, health and cohesion and infrastructure – and has published a white paper “Metrology for a stronger Europe”. The overall vision of the white paper combined with the strategic research agendas developed and maintained in priority application fields by the experts of European Metrology Networks are the building blocks of a coherent research intensive European metrology community.
Miruna Dobre
Miruna Dobre pełni funkcję Kierownika Badań (od 2013 r.) oraz Kierownika Laboratorium Termometrii w belgijskim Krajowym Instytucie Metrologii (SMD). Przed dołączeniem do SMD w 2003 roku, spędziła kilka lat prowadząc badania na UCLouvain w Belgii, gdzie uzyskała tytuł doktora nauk stosowanych. W tym czasie była zaangażowana w teoretyczne i eksperymentalne projektowanie rozpylaczy ultradźwiękowych. Obecnie główne zainteresowania badawcze Miruny Dobre dotyczą termodynamicznego rozprzestrzeniania się temperatury i środowiskowej metrologii stosowanej. Od samego początku swojej kariery w metrologii rozumiała znaczenie współpracy w EURAMET i aktywnie zaangażowała się, najpierw w pracę w Komitecie Technicznym Termometrii, a później w Komitecie Interdyscyplinarnym, któremu przewodniczyła. Od 2022 roku Miruna Dobre pełni funkcję wiceprzewodniczącej EURAMET i odgrywa kluczową rolę we wspieraniu członków w spełnianiu ich krajowych wymagań poprzez współpracę w zakresie badań i budowania potencjału.
Miruna Dobre serves as the Research Manager since 2013 and Head of the Thermometry Laboratory at the Belgian National Metrology Institute (SMD). Before joining SMD in 2003, Miruna spent several years conducting research at UCLouvain in Belgium, where she completed her PhD in applied sciences. During this time, she was involved in the theoretical and experimental design of ultrasonic atomisers. Presently, her main research interests are in the field of thermodynamic temperature dissemination and environmental applied metrology. From the very beginning of her career in metrology, Miruna understood the importance of cooperation in EURAMET and committed herself to actively contribute, first in the technical committee of thermometry, later on in the Interdisciplinary Committee that she chaired. Since 2022 Miruna Dobre holds the position of Vice-Chair of EURAMET and plays a pivotal role on supporting members to meet their national requirements through collaboration in research and capacity building.
Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020
"PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17